I sincerely respect the integrity of those journalists resigning from their companies in protest over their owner’s obsequence with Trump’s comments. But I have to wonder what took them so long. Were they hoping the papers would change course? Were they unaware of the destruction Trump will cause? Science is us asking questions for which we currently have no answers. Religion is (pretending they) have answers that cannot be questioned. I’m not afraid of not knowing.

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Capitalism has given us a world in which we cannot compete with billionaire oligarchs. Our one opportunity to keep them at bay, if only slightly, is activism. Resistance and revolution. We can’t fight them on their terms, we have to bring them down with the weapons we posses.

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Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I have a couple of videos in which Charlie Chaplin and Rod Serling remind us of what we face after the gifts have been opened and the meal eaten. Treason tis' the reason for the season. youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X… youtu.be/gbp1du33l…

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I blame this on my cold, not being old. I took a shot of night-time cold medicine around noon. I woke up at 5, but 5 what? It was dark outside. I’m not senile…yet. It was now I realized that none of my “Digital Assistants” showed AM or PM. I quit using 24 hour time a while ago, thinking that I was just trying to relive my military days. It never fails to impress a civilian when you can instantly translate 24 hour time to AM/PM.

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I can’t imagine anything to be thankful for this year. Trump was elected, the democratic republic appears doomed, humanity still can’t live in harmony with nature, and to top it off I’ve just learned that I have to move in 6 months from the living arrangements I’ve enjoyed for a decade. I’m not pitying myself, just assessing reality.

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Was Mike Flynn as MAGA as he is now when he was leading the DIA? If he was, how much damage did he do? What did he offer other nations? How much espionage did he do?

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The end game of capitalism has brought about the end game of democracy.

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Americans; Has this last election, perhaps literally, made you question the wisdom of a democratic republic? How can we continue to believe Americans will do the right thing when they’ve just proven that even a minority of them can ruin everything for everyone else?

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Thanks to the anti-abortionists/pro-misogynists folks, Target and Walmart should move all their wire coat hangers to the Pharmacy isle.

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Capitalism allows for the privatization of every aspect of society. Every agency of a state or federal government will produce profits for the owners of capital. This includes social programs. Food programs, Social Security, everything that once was paid for by our taxes or deductions from our pay will all now cost us something. No one rides for free on the MAGA train, except of course for the conductor and his crew.

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Trump’s second term will be the most opaque in history. The only information released to the public will be misinformation. Inquiries will be treated as attacks on the establishment and anyone seeking the truth will be silenced. Why? Because wealth is not the only guarantor of power. Possession of information is possession of power.

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Lobbyists. For decades they’ve promoted the fossil fuel industry, the auto industry, the cigarette industry, the drug industry, the gun industry, any industry that hires them, with no moral compass or ability to foresee the future they were bringing to past. Nevermind the wall between the church and state, we should have erected an impenetrable wall separating state and money. We put our nation up for sale and the shittiest people imaginable bought it.

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One of my favorite shots of my MacBook and glasses.

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“This is supposed to be a Koi pond” I toad him.

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Well, I’m back after a not-so-brief hiatus. Trying to renew my account was a massive PITA. Yet somehow, through perseverance and a lot of swearing, I managed to do it. I feel like I need to take a nap now.

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When I joined Lockergnome 20 years ago, I adopted the persona of “the Lockergnome Village Idiot”. I still feel like the village idiot. So many things that it seems everyone else believes, like religion, paternalism, equality, justice, capitalism; I don’t. I haven’t for nearly 50 years. It’s odd to feel so out of step with the majority of humanity. I’ve met others like me along the way. And we all have asked ourselves at some point, “Is it me?

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While watching a British police procedural on PBS I was reminded of one small action that English actors seem to never perform convincingly. Holding and drinking from a paper coffee cup, ala Starbucks. They way they handle the cup makes it obvious it’s empty, and they barely touch it to their lips while pretending to sip/drink from it. Suspension of disbelief. That’s what’s required in a drama. Little things like that spoil it for me.

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Coming soon to your town. “Thank you for calling 911. Your call is important to us. Please stay on the line for English. For Spanish, press 1 now. Please press 0 for a menu of other available languages. Your 911 center is supported by your tax dollars, and we thank you. We will connect you to the next available operator. You are caller number 8.”

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People who claim that Earth was designed by a deity just for the benefit of humans are looking at that concept the wrong way around. Roughly 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The Earth is surrounded by the vacuum of space. Humans can only live naturally on 30% of the planet. Without specialized equipment, humans cannot live in the ocean, humans cannot live in space. In addition, Earth has earthquakes, wildfires, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanoes, and climate changes.

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We humans think we’re so damned smart. How many human words can a dog understand? Up to between 100 and 200 words. How many dog words can a human understand? Zero.

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If there’s one truism in tech, it’s “use what works for you”. Don’t listen to people who try to ridicule you for your choices. If it works for you, be it tech or app or OS, use what you enjoy and what works for you. CounterSocial

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Billionaires are a single point of failure in capitalism.

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Woke? Damn right I’m woke, And proud of it. Racists, Christofascists, and bigots can all kiss my woke ass.

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When the World Wide Web, and later the Internet, came into existence, most of the nerds I knew thought this new means of communication would usher in a future of worldwide democracy, where everyone could talk with anyone, and freedom could be spread via modem. There were chat rooms and bulletin boards. And all this would be available to every person on Earth. Instead, we got just another capitalist venture, one in which the users, instead of charting its future, became commodities.

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One minute he’s on the way to market, chicken safely tucked under one arm and whistling a random tune. The next moment Mr. Darby’s brainless spaniel runs up behind him and spooks the chicken something fierce, causing the bird to react violently. Unfortunately the violence was directed toward Clive and not the dog. Thank goodness chickens don’t have massive teeth. As it was Clive escaped the chicken’s reaction to the sudden presence of the yapping mutt by clawing Clive randomly about the face and neck.

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