
It's all according to plan

The only regret that Republicans feel about the shit show we’ve all been forced to watch since Carter left office is that we found out. We noticed, it became so blatant. We read, thanks to involved citizens. We saw it. And it continues. We as citizens can vote, but even many on the left have started to wonder if elections are being manipulated to do the will of the international oligarchs. We can always have a revolution but in general, those are won by the side with the most weapons, the latest means to kill large numbers at once. The tanks, bombs, and men. The country with the best versus the country with the most. Winner take all, but not for long.

I’m sorry. No answers. no quick solutions, no snaps of the finger. We’ve been begging for help from the ancients, the spirits, the heavens, the gods, for the entire existence of the human race and so far, nothing. We’ve fought wars against each other, made laws for people not like us, we’ve shot down little children, and no voice from the sky has stopped us. It’s almost like no one’s there. We draw little lines on maps and convince ourselves that the humans on this side are nice but on this side, they’re evil. We literally are our own worst enemy.