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24 Hour Time

I blame this on my cold, not being old.

I took a shot of night-time cold medicine around noon.

I woke up at 5, but 5 what?

It was dark outside. I’m not senile…yet.

It was now I realized that none of my “Digital Assistants” showed AM or PM. I quit using 24 hour time a while ago, thinking that I was just trying to relive my military days. It never fails to impress a civilian when you can instantly translate 24 hour time to AM/PM. But my Army years are a lift-time ago, and I should just join the herd and quit beingb obstanate.

That’s what I told myself. Now I realize I was fooling myself. 24 hour time eliminates any confusion over schedules or events. If someone wants you to meet up with them 8, you have to ask, “AM or PM?” Meet me at 2000 hours, no confusion.

This is a “use what works best in your life” issue. 24 hour time is frustrating for people unfamiliar with it. They wind up having to subtract 12 for the time.

I’ll be resetting all my “smart” devises that show the time back to the 24 hour mode. And I’ll be in less a hurry to follow my own advice.