

Capitalism Compromised the Internet

When the World Wide Web, and later the Internet, came into existence, most of the nerds I knew thought this new means of communication would usher in a future of worldwide democracy, where everyone could talk with anyone, and freedom could be spread via modem. There were chat rooms and bulletin boards. And all this would be available to every person on Earth. Instead, we got just another capitalist venture, one in which the users, instead of charting its future, became commodities.

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Too Much Data

When you think about it, which is what I’ve been doing today, there’s a single attribute the Internet shares with the NSA. They both harvest a gazillion bits and bytes every hour. Electronic storage capacities are constantly increasing. Think about filling every inch of your house with sealed envelopes containing a note. Some of those notes are worthless, recipes or cartoons. But some are important, and some are vital to your survival.

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The Talk Show with Quinn Nelson

I just had the pleasure of listening to The Talk Show with @gruber featuring @snazzyq. Even though I’m subscribed and enjoy each Snazzy Labs video, I didn’t realize just how intelligent and informed Quinn is. I love listening to experts discussing their field of interest. Everything these two produce is highly recommended. Mastodon

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