
Micro.Blog, Where Art Thou?

Platform specific: I was reading an article by Manton Reece on his RSS feed and wanted to make a comment. I noticed that the article was also on Micro.Blog, so I clicked over to that. I still couldn’t comment as the site told me I needed to log in. OK, standard stuff. I gave my email address and they sent a link. Using that link I was signed in, but to my own timeline.

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Nothing to see here...

Trump’s indictment, and those to come, are welcome distractions. They are allowing us to ignore for even a few moments that there are rich and powerful forces determined to undermine our democratic republic, as imperfect as it may be, and substitute for it a theocratic fascist state. They’re distracting us from the imminent danger our entire planet faces due to our terrible stewardship and our unbridled capitalism. The band’s still playing but the ship is sinking.

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Chaos reigns

Even big companies are conspiring to reign chaos down on America. Google is selling .zip and .ooo domains. Spammers are jumping on .zip domains. And Apple wants to drop “Hey” from waking Siri. Insane. I learned how bad that can be when I changed the wake word for Alexa to Computer. I never realized how many times I say computer during the day, usually prefaced with a profanity.

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Complacency could kill us

I guess climate change, growing fascism, and social inequality can be depressing, but it’s reality. If we let it overwhelm us to the point of denial we’ll never find a solution if there is one. No one (outside religion) ever promised us that life would always be easy and humanity’s future is assured. We could easily go the way of the dinosaurs, and much sooner, if we ignore all that’s going on.

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When you know you’ve got to go to you kennel for a few hours but you don’t wanna.

All the Googles in Googleville...

So here’s how I see my future; I’ve accomplished the first step. I’ve sold my soul to Google. In exchange, I received a gmail account, a spot on Orkut, a Blog on Blogger and unlimited access to Google/Froogle/Google images, groups and news. I have heard that others have received these same benefits without bartering their soul, but I cannot confirm these rumors, and besides, I wasn’t using it anyway, so it wasn’t a big deal.

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Is anyone else sick of privilege? White privilege Male privilege Police privilege Government privilege

This country shouldn’t entertain privilege for anyone who has enjoyed undeserved privilege since its founding.

It’s other people’s turn now.

Cities create slums, not the people living in them. The rich create poverty, not the poor. Bigots create bigotry. Police create fear of police. We blames the victims instead of those who victimize them.

Imposter Syndrome

All my adult life I played in a stage production called “My Working Life”. At work I wore a uniform (costume) and acted according to a script (the expectations of the job/my employers). I wasn’t me at work, I was a character in a play which earned me money that was used to enjoy my real life. In fact I took great pains not to mix my professional and private lives.

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I believe this is the first social space where I’m encountering people my own age (physically, not mentally) and it’s a pleasure. If I notice you’re over 60 and a fellow geek I’ll be following you and hopefully be able to discuss the tech world from our perspective.

We need a revolution

Saving America going to take a revolution. Not necessarily a violent revolution, but a complete rethinking of capitalism and democracy. We’re seeing the limits of both systems in providing us with an equitable society and a sustainable planet. It isn’t feasible to think we can continue down this same road and not fall off the cliff at the end of it, which is just around the next corner.

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The 1% decides how the 99% will live

I can’t believe we progressives will ever attain our goals for a just and equitable society as long as the people making policy decisions are wealthy people who have never had to deal with the problems facing the non-wealthy. What interest do they have in Social Security when they’ll never need it? What interest do they have in providing health care when they can always afford it? What interest do they have in the minimum wage when they’ve never had to live on it?

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Too Much Data

When you think about it, which is what I’ve been doing today, there’s a single attribute the Internet shares with the NSA. They both harvest a gazillion bits and bytes every hour. Electronic storage capacities are constantly increasing. Think about filling every inch of your house with sealed envelopes containing a note. Some of those notes are worthless, recipes or cartoons. But some are important, and some are vital to your survival.

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A reminder: Artificial Intelligence is not Machine Learning Machine Learning is not Artificial Intelligence

Much of what is called AI these days is ML

Reminder: AI is not ML ML is not AI

Most things being touted as AI are actually ML

If Google installed their favorite operating system in robotic humans, they would be… Android’s android androids.

I saw this little guy sitting on the rocks around our Koi pond.

The ponds, there are 3, look so nice at night. It’s my favorite Zen place.

I still don’t understand how to populate the photos page on So to hell with it. I’ll just post my favorite pictures here this way.

When I get bored I rearrange things. This week it was my desk area.

MAGA loses another round

It’s the 4th grade class from hell over there, “there” being Fox and Twitter. The right can’t seem to keep control once they have it. Increased debt, Twitter and Fox both on a downward spiral, their popularity with us average people is on the wane, a lot of Trump rats jumping ship. The only people to suffer when the fascists are defeated will be the bottom 90%. The rich guys at the top will make their money win or lose.

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